Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bricks versus Clicks

Locate one research article that focuses specifically on comparing student performance in the full-time K-12 online learning environment with student performance in the traditional brick-and-mortar environment and critique that study.

The article I chose to critique was very informative. This article gave me something to think about as I try to answer the question of what is better, online or face-to-face, and does it really matter? It also provided me with good information that helped me better analyze the pros and cons of each type of instruction.

I found myself visualizing a Venn Diagram as I read. Noting items that were attributed to each type of instruction and items that were shared. An example follows:

This article was interesting to me because the author does not seemed to be biased about either online instruction or face to face instruction and looking over the material presented, I found myself thinking that one would have to consider an individual student's characteristics, learning styles, and goals in order to determine which instruction would be a better "fit." This article helped me establish for myself that both face-to-face and online instruction are necessary as they both provide conditions that are favorable to individual students.

The author suggests school leaders ask questions about their organization such as "What is our mission? Who is our customer? What does the customer value? and What is our plan?" If one were deciding upon which type of instruction, F2F or online, I feel one would ask oneself similar questions such as, "What is MY mission? Who am I? What do I VALUE? and "What is my PLAN or GOAL?"

McFarlane, D. A. (2011). Are There Differences in the Organizational Structure and Pedagogical Approach of Virtual and Brick-and-Mortar Schools. Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research (1947-2900), 3(2), 83-98.

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