Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What is . . . . ???

The reading of this week first MOOC topic, classifying, I find myself thinking strange zen like thoughts such as, "If a tree falls in the forrest and no one is around to hear it, what sound does it make?" Online learning, at first blush seems like an easy concept to get one's head around. It should, basically, be learning online. However, when one begins to analyze the terminology things get a little off track.

How much time one spends online matters, funding matters, the governing body overseeing the curriculum matters. I think iNACOL is on the right track in trying to establish some consistency in the vocabulary that could be used. Their attempt reminds me of Intermath, which our school has used to help us standardize the vocabulary we teachers use in the area of mathematics,  ( Intermath has helped us pull together as a professional community, and I think that is what will be necessary to help maximize the potential of online learning. iNACOL's work is especially important because without some consistency in terminology it will be difficult to analyze data in an attempt to establish how learning online effects students. It will also be difficult to establish "research based" "best practices" that are common phrases used to make curriculum decisions.

As I read through the various models presented, I found myself thinking what is online learning? What is learning? How can it be assessed online? Although I have a hard time deciding on exactly what my personal definition is, the classifications in the MOOC helped me become better informed about the various ways online learning is presently taking place. To me, that is much more important than the vocabulary. Thinking too much about definitions can be a bad thing. It reminds me of President Clinton wanting to know what the definition of is, is.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer,
    I agree with you that it's important to have consistency in the terminology, and that the iNACOL is important in this regard. This MOOC is a great way to clear up all of the informationthat is out there. I found all the different ways that online learning can initiate from to be eye opening! I really didn't know that it was that broad of a spectrum.
